In our commitment to reconnecting adoptees with their biological families, we firmly believe that making DNA testing accessible to birth parents in China will greatly increase the likelihood of successful matches. We now offer two types of DNA tests (autosomal and STR/paternity/CODIS-type) to birth relatives.

  • In addition to DNA testing and when possible The Roots of Love will help financially adult adoptees in their search.

  • Each DNA test costs approximately $110 USD. With your donations, we will continue to provide DNA tests, free of charge, to any birth family found anywhere in China so that unexpected costs will never prevent a reunion. Furthermore, the contact information for close relative matches will always be provided for free to adoptees.

  • From May 2021 to May 2022, we have covered the costs of over 30 DNA tests for Chinese birth parents and have matched four of them to adoptees.

We can accept funds through our donation page. Your donation is truly appreciated and any monetary amount will help families reunite.
Thank you for your generosity! ❤️

The Roots of Love is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (EIN 92-1425233), and your donations are tax deductible.


A trio of older women in China views a poster from our Fall 2021 group search.