We are a team of volunteers fully dedicated to The Roots of Love’s mission of family reunification for all Chinese adoptees.
We are motivated and driven to make an impact because this cause is near and dear to our hearts. ❤️


Coco and Loulee

Corinne (Coco) Wilson

From the day Coco (a French woman living in New Mexico, USA) went to Chongqing to adopt her daughter Loulee Mei Yi in 2005, she always spoke to her about her birth parents. She raised Loulee with the awareness that she was born from a woman who loved her but, for whatever reason, did not have the ability to care for her. Coco promised her that one day if she wishes, they would try to find her birth family. When the day to start a search came, it became clear that it could not be only a personal search. Thus, Coco sought to create The Roots of Love (ROL) organization. ❤️

Carmen and Holli

Holli Chan

Holli adopted her daughter, Carmen, from Chongqing in 2003. Holli makes her home in Iowa, USA. In recent years, Carmen surprisingly matched with multiple full biological sisters who were also adopted internationally. Holli’s knowledge and experience in Chinese languages (Mandarin and Cantonese) and culture come in handy in The Roots of Love’s search efforts for biological families in China. Holli joined Coco in January 2020 to help publicly launch The Roots of Love, ❤️


Volunteers in China & Abroad

We are incredibly fortunate and grateful to collaborate with several kind-hearted individuals who believe in our mission of reconnecting Chinese adoptees with their first families. Without their dedicated work behind-the-scenes, we would not be able to accomplish our goals and spread the word about our efforts! ❤️